Thursday, January 14, 2010

FEM hosts The Vagina Monologues

Come support Adrian College's Feminist Empowerment Movement (FEM) by attending The Vagina Monologues, performed by AC women, and directed and produced by AC juniors Emma Donelson and Angelica Lopez. The Vagina Monologues is an award winning play by women's activist Eve Ensler.

Performances are February 4-5 (Thursday and Friday). Doors will open at 7:00pm, and the show will begin at 7:30pm.

Tickets are $5/general admission, $3 if you provide a valid student I.D. or food/clothing donation, or free to students who provide both I.D. and a donation.

All proceeds will benefit the Catherine Cobb Domestic Violence Shelter, SAFER (a group that works to improve campus sexual assault policies), and the women and children in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

We are supported by the V-Day 2010 Campaign.

Merchandise will be sold, and there will be a silent art auction featuring the art of Adrian College women and student artists. Donations are welcome!

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